Thursday 8 June 2023

Review: What Will You Make Today?

Can you make a difference in the world? Of course you can. So how will you choose to do that?

This book is about choices, change and making an impact. 

What Will You Make Today? is a non-fiction picture book written by Maura Pierlot and illustrated by Triandhika Anjani

The text is a series of questions which act as prompts for the reader to consider what they can do to make a contribution to the world, even with what might seem like the smallest of actions.

From something relatively simple like making your breakfast or making friends, to making decisions and discoveries. Making mistakes and making things right are important, too. As you turn the pages and progress through the book, the questions and actions increase in their potential impact.

There are so many ways to apply the concept of making a difference, and the cheerful illustrations express this by showing children in various situations, like planting a tree today that can make a difference as it grows to maturity in the world of the future.

The final page of the book summarises opportunities to be someone who makes a difference. They fall into the six categories of 21st century learning (6 Cs) : citizenship, collaboration, character, communication, creativity, and critical thinking. Ways of being an active participant in the world, contributing ideas meaningfully, being innovative, taking responsibility, and embracing sustainability are just a few of the suggestions given.

Support the children in your life to be thoughtful and caring, and to think about their actions and read What Will You Make Today? It's a great book for sharing and starting discussion at home or in the classroom.

Download teachers notes from the publisher's website.

Title: What Will You Make Today?
Author: Maura Pierlot
Illustrator: Triandhika Anjani
Publisher: Storytorch, $ 27.95
Publication Date: June 2023
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780 645191578
For ages: 4+
Type: Junior Non-Fiction

from Kids' Book Review

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