Wednesday 17 March 2021

Review: Reggie Red

Reggie’s school is having photo day, and some of the girls plan to get all fancy for their photo.

With big red hair and freckles, Reggie feels so different from the other girls. She’s worried that her looks won’t measure up.

She tries to tame her hair and cover her face, but nothing works. How will Reggie face her class and step in front of the camera? What do you do when you don’t look like everyone else?

Reggie Red is a heart-warming picture book wrapped in fun. Written in rhyme, the story is upbeat and filled with Reggie’s humorous attempts to get her hair and face to behave. But the message of the story is heartfelt and emotion-filled, reassuring readers that true beauty lies within.

Reggie is a very real and relatable character for kids. Author Josie Layton reveals Reggie’s fears and frustrations through her actions, pulling readers into the emotion of the story. I also like how the book is relevant to kids today. Mobile phones and the internet feature in the story, creating a great opportunity for readers and audiences to explore the media, internet, and how these things impact body image and self-criticism.

Bright and funky, the illustrations by Rebecca Timmis are so much fun. They bring pizzazz to the pages and compliment the tone of the story so well.

Reggie Red is a laugh and a hug mixed together. Fun and funny, with a heartfelt message to love who you are, it’s the book everyone needs to remind them that being different isn’t a bad thing.

Title: Reggie Red
Author: Josie Layton
Illustrator: Rebecca Timmis
Publisher: Larrikin House, $24.99
Publication Date: 1 February 2021
Format: Hardback
ISBN: 9780648872207
For ages:  3 - 6
Type: Picture Book

from Kids' Book Review

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