Sunday 21 March 2021

Giveaway: AlphaKid: An A - Z of Antics

Annoying, bored, creative and daring, AlphaKid is every kid-at their best (kind, loving), worst (impatient, unreasonable) and in between (smelly, odd). Packed with heart and humour, kids of all ages will smirk and titter at this A to Z of antics, from dawn to dusk, chaos to calm.

A graphic-design style ABC book for little ones, AlphaKid is a humorous riff on the parent/child relationship. An overarching narrative takes the alphabetical entries from waking through to bedtime and the various careening childlike states the kids (and parents!) find themselves in during waking hours.

Written and illustrated by KBR Founder, Tania McCartney, and published by Windy Hollow Books, AlphaKid is a book that crosses genre - perfect for kids and adults alike, and a fabulous new baby gift.

For a chance to win the perfect gift book for babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers and adults (!), tell us, in 25 words of less, what your child does to make you laugh out loud.

Email your answer, along with your name and postal address to The response Tania likes best will win a copy of the book.  

Competition is open to anyone, worldwide, so long as they have an Australian postal address for delivery. Please note, we cannot deliver to PO Boxes. Entries without a name and street address will be ineligible. Winners will be announced right here on our website on  May 2021. 

Competition runs from 5pm Sunday 21 March 2021 to 5pm Sunday 28 March 2021. Adults can enter for those aged 17 and under. This is a game of skill, not chance. The judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. 

from Kids' Book Review

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