Wednesday 1 July 2020

Review: Scribble Witch #1: Notes in Class

This is a fun-filled fantasy; an imaginative and magical illustrated chapter book. It’s the first in a series whose text and quirky illustrations promise to keep even reluctant readers turning pages.

Molly Mills is nine years old. She likes doodling and pencil toppers. (Lots of images are involved). Her best friend is Chloe who wants to go to Mars. They have been BFs since kindergarten.

Chloe is leaving. She’s moving to a school closer to home. This shocking news destabilises Molly far more than being unable to spell the word treasure has.

She is given an old dictionary by her teacher Mr Stilton (whom Molly believes lacks affinity with children) to find the word, but if you can’t spell it how can you find it?

The dictionary falls to the floor and out pokes a note with a witch doodle on it. Distracted by her thoughts, Molly cuts out the witch doodle and puts it in her pen pot.

The dialogue between Notes the tiny scribble witch and Molly, begins with a paper plane hitting Molly’s head. Notes climbs out of the pen pot and wants to be Molly’s new best friend. Molly likes the idea, especially after Notes helps her with her school work. But her existence must stay a secret. Note writing bounces back and forth as the two lay foundations for a new friendship.

Is it possible for a scribbly doodle to materialise? Can Notes fill the space that Chloe is vacating? Perhaps she could she be instrumental in convincing Chloe to stay?

Notes the witch will prove smarter than Molly imagined when she comes up with an alternate and ingenious solution to Molly’s sadness.

Title: Scribble Witch #1: Notes in Class
Author/Illustrator: Inky Willis
Publisher: Hachette, $14.99
Publication Date: March 2020
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781444951653
For ages: 7 - 9
Type: Fantasy

from Kids' Book Review

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