Friday 12 July 2019

Review: So She Did

Condensing a person’s entire life into picture book form is no easy feat, but Simi Genzuik and Renee Treml deliver the goods in So She Did, a story about famous Australian circus performer May Wirth.

Born in Bundaberg, Australia, May Wirth came from a circus family. She had talent from the beginning, but her family was very poor. 

When she was seven, she was adopted by another circus family. They introduced May to trick riding on horses, and she fell in love with the daring circus act. 

It was difficult and dangerous to perform tricks on the back of horses, but May was a determined young girl who believed in herself and her abilities.

She practiced and trained and performed with the grand Wirth’s Circus. She did what no other woman could do, and news of her talents spread across the world. 

May Wirth became the greatest bareback rider of all time. She was courageous and daring, and she never let anyone tell her she couldn’t do what she wanted to do. 

This is a lovely picture book that introduces young kids to one of Australia’s most talented circus performers. May’s story is thrilling and entertaining, and it encourages kids to reach for the stars and believe in themselves.

Renee Treml’s illustrations are simply beautiful — fun and so engaging. It’s such a lovely way for kids to explore non-fiction, and it sparks a lovely dialogue between reader and audience as the pictures are explored and May’s story is revealed. 

And I love how the end pages have photographs of the real May Wirth, which is sure to get kids curious about May and eager to find out more about this amazing Australian woman.

Title: So She Did
Author: Simi Genziuk
Illustrator: Renee Treml
Publisher: Affirm Press, $24.99
Publication Date: 28 May 2019
Format: Hard Cover
ISBN: 9781925712926
For ages: 3 - 6
Type: Picture Book

from Kids' Book Review

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