Saturday 20 July 2019

Review: Gary's Banana Drama

A laugh out loud story of a gorilla named Gary whose love for bananas lands him in a spot of bother.

Gary loves bananas, in fact I’d say he's obsessed. One day when there are no bananas left, he sets off in search for some and a fabulously funny journey begins. It doesn’t take long before he finds some barking bananas, only to realise they are actually dogs, next thing we know Gary sees bananas everywhere but unfortunately it’s all just his wild banana loving imagination. Surely he will find more bananas, or will he? Either way, you will have a good giggle.

Written with short sharp sentences, pauses, excitement and anticipation Gary’s Banana Drama really feels dramatic and can easily be built up further with reader excitement and engagement.

Jane Massey has done a wonderful job of suiting her humorous text and bright bold illustrations to each other, and although seemingly simple Gary’s expressions and movements deliver an endearing character who you feel hopeful for the whole way through.

Jane has illustrated over 50 books including Daddy is My Hero, Gary’s Banana Drama is her first author illustrated title and I hope it’s the first of many.

Title: Gary's Banana Drama
Author/Illustrator: Jane Massey
Publisher: Simon & Schuster, $16.99
Publication Date: 31 May 2018
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781471147845
For ages: 3+
Type: Picture Book

from Kids' Book Review

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