Friday 7 June 2019

Announcement: At The End of Holyrood Lane Crystal Kite Award Winner

Warning: the following contains a fair dollop of self-love and galaxies of sparkle, because that's what happens when one wins awards. Ed. (aka Dimity)

EK Books is delighted to announce that At the End of Holyrood Lane, by Dimity Powell and Nicky Johnston, has won the 2019 Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCWBI) Member Choice Award (Australia, New Zealand).

The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCWBI) is the international professional organisation for writers and illustrators of children’s literature.

Their annual Crystal Kite Award is a peer-given award to recognize excellence in the field of children’s books from 15 regional divisions around the world. It is the only peer chosen award in the field.

Anouska Jones, Publisher at EK Books, says At the End of Holyrood Lane, with its hopeful message for children impacted by domestic violence, is the embodiment of the purpose of EK Books; publishing meaningful messages through beautifully crafted story.

'At The End of Holyrood Lane uses a storm metaphor to open a conversation with children at risk. It’s a tough subject to approach in a picture book and we are thrilled to have been able to work with the talented combination of author, Dimity Powell, and illustrator, Nicky Johnston, to produce this much-needed and beautifully crafted book,' Anouska said.

Creators Dimity Powell and Nicky Johnston are thrilled to have their work acknowledged by their peers. They share a hope that the award will raise awareness of the issues faced by children experiencing domestic violence and make the book more accessible to children who are faced with weathering domestic storms.

It is the second time in recent years an EK picture book has won the SCBWI Crystal Kite, with Smile Cry by Tania McCartney taking out that award in 2017.

from Kids' Book Review

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