Thursday 16 May 2019

Review: Stand Up For The Future: A Celebration Of Inspirational Young Australians

In recent times we have heard young voices expressing their views over world issues, climate change and politics – raising concerns about the future and the impacts decisions can have.

This book is a celebration of inspirational young Australians, all of whom are making an impact on Australian society. Some of these young people are just starting to make their mark on the world, whilst others are established advocates and role models.

One thing you will learn reading this book, is that the future is bright – filled with talented, compassionate and determined young people. They might not be famous yet, but they soon will be. 

While their stories may be diverse, their innovations and passions cover all aspects of our lives. Issues such as sustainability, equality, freedom and safety are just some of these important areas.

You will discover amazing young Australians such as Lucas Patchett and Nicholas Marchesi. Their charity Orange Sky Laundry first started in Brisbane in 2014 and offered free clothes washing services and a chat – this provided a connection for the homeless community to access several different services. Lucas and Nicholas were named 2016 Young Australians of the Year.

There is Caitlin Figueiredo who campaigns for global equality. While studying at University, she manages two businesses and works with several worldwide organisations including World Vision, The Alannah and Madeline Foundation and United Nations Task Forces - Former First Lady Michelle Obama has recognised her work. Caitlin was the youngest to win the Young Leader category of the Australian Financial Review 100 Women of Influence Awards.

Other life-changing people featured in this book include inventor Amelia Fox, fitness entrepreneur Kayla Itsines and racial justice advocate Tim Lo Surdo. 

With over 40 stories shared, the reader will also be inspired, as it will empower people to be brave changemakers and to make the world a better place.

Title: Stand Up For The Future: A Celebration Of Inspirational Young Australians
Author: Various
Illustrator: Various
Publisher: Puffin Australia, $29.99
Publication Date: 2 April 2019
Format: Hardback
For ages: 8+
Type: Junior Non Fiction

from Kids' Book Review

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