Tuesday 7 May 2019

Review: Australia Remembers: Anzac Day, Remembrance Day & War Memorials

We will remember.

It is an important and heartfelt declaration that many make and adhere to every year. Why do we continue to hold special services, create memorials and observe days such as Anzac Day and Remembrance Day, in Australia?

Commemoration means to honour the memory of an event, a group of people or a person by holding a service, ceremony or celebration.

This book will help children and teenagers to consider and answer these questions, with clear and understandable explanations of the meaning remembrance continues to have in the lives of people today.

Within the pages of Australia Remembers: Anzac Day, Remembrance Day & War Memorials there are many photographs, from then and now, including soldiers in times of war and maintaining peace, children knitting socks for soldiers in World War 1 and people continuing to honour the fallen, and all those who served, in commemorative services over one hundred years later.  As we see the faces of the people who have served, and those who honour them, we can more deeply understand the sacrifices they made.

The information and personal experiences in this book are presented in an engaging style, with excerpts of facts interspersed with images, impressions and thought-provoking questions. There are activities to help bring the information to life, such as a recipe for making Anzac biscuits and instructions for making a poppy wreath.

This book provides ways to improve understanding and knowledge, which in turn allows us to more fully honour the memories of those we remember.

Title: Australia Remembers: Anzac Day, Remembrance Day & War Memorials
Author: Allison Paterson
Publisher: Big Sky Publishing, $24.99
Publication Date: 1 October 2018
Format: Hardback
ISBN: 9781925675788
For ages: 8+
Type: Non-Fiction

from Kids' Book Review http://bit.ly/2DW4Edb

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