Sunday 29 January 2023

Review: Wishes Come in Threes

Phyll is dealing with a lot. Her mother has been sad for a while and she’s not getting better. They’ve moved to the seaside, away from everyone and everything Phyll knows. 

And to top it all off, Phyll accidently makes a terrible enemy at the summer camp her dad is making her go to.

But when Phyll meets old Mr Djinn at the retirement home, things start to change. Mr Djinn insists he is a genie, and while he says his magic has faded, strange things start to happen to Phyll. 

It can’t possibly be true. Phyll knows genies don’t really exist. But sometimes she thinks, just maybe, the things she wishes for are starting to come true.

Wishes Come in Threes by Andy Jones is a fantastic junior fiction/middle grade book for kids. Filled with mystery and intrigue, it will make you question the existence of magic and all things fantastical. And with a dog thief thrown into the mix, there is no shortage of action and adventure.

Phyll is a brilliant character, dealing with a lot (as many kids are). She is relatable and interesting — someone who can be afraid and brave at the same time, which is something I know many of us feel. It’s hard when you have to deal with family troubles, friendship troubles and just life troubles in general. Sometimes we feel strong and stand up for the things we believe in, but other times it becomes too hard and we just need to sit back for a while. This is Phyll, too, and we get to cheer her from this side of the page as she works through what’s happening in her world.

Wishes Come in Threes is a splendid mix of contemporary and fantasy. It hits both genres masterfully, providing kids with a special adventure that is both real and not (or is it?).

Title: Wishes Come in Threes
Author: Andy Jones
Publisher: Walker Books, $14.99
Publication Date: 22 November 2022
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781529500882
For ages: 9 - 11
Type: Junior Fiction

from Kids' Book Review

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