Tuesday 13 April 2021

Review: Ultimate Predator

Australia is home to many fascinating and beautiful animals. It’s also home to many dangerous predators.

Mammals, sea mammals, reptiles, fish, birds and minibeasts — there are deadly hunters lurking amongst all of them. Some more dangerous than others.

So, which is the most dangerous? Which is the ultimate predator?

Ultimate Predator pits the most lethal Australian animals against each other in the ultimate showdown of animal strength and cunning.

There are six tournament rounds where mammals verse mammals and minibeasts verse minibeasts. A predator champion is chosen in each round, and then comes the final round, where the champions compete for the title of “Ultimate Predator”.

Along the way, you’ll learn about each of the contenders, including their size, prey, attack style and killer tools. Like did you know a perentie can run up to 40 km/hr for long distances? Or did you know the Tasmanian Devil has the most powerful bite relative to body size of any living mammalian carnivore?

This is a brilliant read for curious kids who love beasts with teeth and claws. With easy-to-read information, bite-sized facts and stunning photography throughout, it’s super kid-friendly and a book kids can read and explore themselves (and then impress their friends with cool predator facts).

Perfect for classrooms and kids who love to learn about animals, Ultimate Predator is a fantastic non-fiction read.

Title: Ultimate Predator
Publisher: Australian Geographic, $19.95
Publication Date: 1 April 2021
Format: Hard Cover
ISBN: 9781922388117
For ages: 6+
Type: Junior Non-Fiction

from Kids' Book Review https://ift.tt/2OJxypD

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