Monday, 19 October 2020

Review: Hello Jimmy!

A beautiful new tile from Anna Walker about a boy, his dad, and a parrot named Jimmy. 

Hello, Jimmy! quickly sets the scene of a boy named Jack at home with his dad, a beautifully produced sense of unfamiliarity and still silences suggests that the father is recently separated and his relationship with Jack is undergoing circumstantial changes. 

When Dad introduces Jack to his new pet; a parrot named Jimmy, Jack isn’t thrilled. Despite Jimmy’s popularity, and ability to fill silences with his amusing, squawky confidence, Jack seems a little annoyed by the talented, green, long-tailed bird.

In a series of emotional actions and events, Jack and Dad come together in a way which they perhaps could not in recent times. A beautiful message about overcoming hard times and the everlasting love between a parent and child shines through.

Jimmy’s character brings pops of laughter and joy to a topic which may sometimes be sensitive or tricky to discuss with children. Readers are likely to squawk Jimmy’s dialogue and have it repeated back to them by any audience, especially on repeat reads.  

In true Anna Walker style, Hello, Jimmy! made my heart ache and sing with the turning of a few pages, and her gorgeous watercolour illustrations left me in a dreamy state. I loved that this story presented an opportunity for me to discuss different family formats with my own kids. It would be a perfect addition to any classroom or bookshelf featuring family diversity and beautiful stories.

Anna Walker is a Melbourne based author and illustrator, some of her other books include Lottie and Walter, Florette, Peggy and one of my favourites, Mr Huff.

Title: Hello Jimmy!
Author/Illustrator: Anna Walker
Publisher: Penguin Random House, $24.99  
Publication Date: 29 September
Format: Hardcover
ISBN:  9781760893422
For ages: 4 – 7
Type: Picture Book

from Kids' Book Review

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